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Stop Wasting Time

Very often when you are new to something, it is really difficult to know where to start. You run around trying to find all the quick ways to do this or that and end up with what is commonly referred to as “information overload”. We all do it at some time. You are not the first to get there and you won’t be the last.  Once you’ve hit “information overload” you then get to the next step in the process which is referred to as “Procrastination”.   You stop doing what you set out to do and start doing other things that you think you need to do to support what you set out to do. We all fall for this one and it’s a real killer to your original aim, goal or target.

An interesting recent discussion on a forum about what does the “P” stand for in procrastination and the aggreed answer in may ways was “Poverty” to substantiate this, a quote by Helen Keller ………“Do Today What others won’t so You can Live tomorrow like others can’t”
There is no other way, you have to get on with it and do it,  and there is no wrong way or right way either, you have to find what system suits your lifestyle best and just get on with it.

But just remember this, TIME is your most valuable assest, you only have 24 hours in a day, 6 of which you need to sleep as a miniumum, (otherwise you will not function well at anything you try to achieve) 10 of which you may need to work if you are in full time employment, (travel time included in that one) so you are now down to 8 hours free time. In those 8 hours you have to do the household chores, sort the children out (if you have any) look after the old folks (if you have dependancies) personal grooming (hair cut, shower, ironing, food,TV, .. etc)  all of these things eat away at your 8 hours free time, so you don’t even have 8 hours anymore you really only have 4 at the most, and believe you me, that won’t be a solid 4 hours it will be 4 hours split into disturbed chunks, because those that live with you won’t give you the time you need they will disturbe you for the least little thing….they need, whenever they feel the need to.

I don’t know about you, but my biggest problem is I give my time away, I’m always busy doing things for other people, this is where I need to focus and start learning to say NO, I’m sorry I’ve got other things to do FOR ME, does that sound familiar, are you guilty of the same? If I am seriously going to make this 30 day challenge deadline, then one of the first things I’ve got to do is to learn to say “I’d love to, but………….”


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